Raku Vase light pink and white sigillata Nov21-RV12
Four Vientos (Winds) figurative vase Oct21FV12
Raku copper luster body and copper sand face vase Oct21FV04
Naked Raku Vase "Hulk" green sigillata Nov21-RV10
Copper Sand Raku Vase Figure Nov21-RV6
Naked Raku Vase with white sigillata Nov21-RV5
Raku Vase Copper Luster Nov21-RV4
Duality Blue Devil vase Oct21FV09
Foil Saggar Vase Nov21-RV9
Obvara Vase Pink Sigillata Nov21-RV3
Green frog devil vase, soda fired Oct21FV10
Naked Raku vase with light blue terra sigillata Oct21FV01
Obvara vase with yellow-green sigillata Nov21-RV1
Raku luster vase with acrylic painted face - Oct21FV02
Raku Vase Oct21-01RV
Copper Sand Raku Vase Feb22-R1
Soda Fired Slab Vase Feb22-V1
Naked Raku Small Vase Feb22-SMV1
Obvara White Sigillata Vase Feb22-SMV4
Obvara Terra Cotta small vase Feb22-SMV2
Soda fired vase Feb22-V2
Soda Fired Vase Silicon Carbide Slip Brushwork Mar22-V6
Figurative Raku Vase Tongue Sticking Out Mar22-V3
Foil Saggar Vase Palo Verde Smoke fired Mar22-V5